IAMBHS seeks to be a transformative influence in the lives of current and future MBHS students and to host a dynamic community of alumnae who support each other, work together in camaraderie, and network to strengthen business, social, professional, and economic interests in connection with our alma mater.
Our objectives are:
- To engage in all activities permitted by the laws of the State of Florida in order to generate funding to support IAMBHS’s mission as stated above.
- To conceive and implement projects that promote the intellectual, social, emotional, and athletic development of current students of MBHS
- To advance scholarship, intellectual inquiry, and leadership skills by providing grants and awards to students of MBHS
- To support the continued development of MBHS’s athletic and extra-curricular departments by providing resources for their maintenance and expansion.
- To strategize methods of bringing students, alumnae, teachers, and administrators of MBHS together to improve the school’s physical structure, the technological infrastructure, and administrative performance.
- To create a closely connected network of intelligent women dedicated to the betterment of MBHS
- To demonstrate, cultivate, and inculcate pride in and respect for the institution of Montego Bay High School